
Women of Asphalt would not be possible without your generous support. Your partnership allows us to provide the tools and resources needed to help promote, educate, and empower women within the asphalt industry.

  • To view the WofA Partner Level Benefits, please click here 
  • NEW for 2024 Partners: Additional WofA Day Partner Benefits, please click here
  • If you are interested in becoming a WofA Partner, please click here 
  • If you would like more information, please click here

We would like to proudly recognize our 2024 partners and say thank you. To visit our generous partners’ websites, please click on their listing.

2024 Partners:

Diamond Partner ($25,000)

Pave America

Platinum Partners ($10,000)
Ajax Paving Company
AsphaltPro Magazine
Astec Industries, Inc.

Copper Partners ($1000)
Luck Companies